Grow Your Hidden Asset – Your Mailing List

Remember this:  

“Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not they’ll come back. We have to be great every time or we’ll lose them.

~ Kevin Stirtz

If you have been in business for awhile now then you possess a certain hidden asset that can make you rich.

What am I talking about you ask. This hidden asset is also hidden from all your competitors. Once you understand and take advantage of its true value, you’ll enjoy an instant and unfair advantage in your marketplace.

Ok Billie, quit fooling around and get to the point. What hidden asset?

This hidden asset is your customer list.  profit with your email list

Think about your value to your customers, subscriber list, email list, whatever you want to call it. The more promotions you run , and the better your relationship with them is, and the more value will accrue to your list and vice versu.

Believe it or not, you are of value to your list because you are helping them solve a problem and better their lives. Honestly, that is what you are supposed to be doing as a marketer. 

America’s first billionaire, Andrew Carnegie, once said: “You can take away all my factories, all my machinery, all my equipment, all of my real estate, and leave me with my very best people—and I’ll have it all back in no time flat.”

That is a great quote, because you must firmly believe in the value of good people. However, I want to add an important distinction. I say: “Take away everything from me, but leave me my best people and my customer list, and I’ll have it all back in no time flat.”

That’s because a good customer list is your meal ticket for life. It can produce enormous lifetime sales and profits.

I have written this before on my blog that when I started in this business 6 years ago, I was scared to start a list because I did not know how.

It was not until I had a healthy list, 2 years later that my bank account started to grow. That is the truth.

This is the secret of success for every business. profit with your email list

The key to success and it does not matter what business you are in is getting customers to come back and do business with you as many times possible for as long as possible.

In order to do that you have to invite them to come back and do more business with you.

But listen, you always have to give them something of value.

You can’t just wait for them to come to you. It’s easy enough to be proactive.  I keep my mailing list on 2 autoresponders of which I feel AWEBER is the best do to their customer service. Believe me I contact them a lot.

Contact your list or lists on a regular basis. Don’t always be trying to sell them on something. Give them something that they will say thank you and they know you care. I do and I feel good doing it.

Every business claims they care about their customers, but what are you doing to prove it?

Building a good relationship is key. Show people you really care about them. That can be very easy to do if you have the systems and processes in place that let you do it.

Build and maintain strong relationships with subscribers on your list who have done business with you before. Make it easy for them to keep doing business with you, and you’ll leave your competitors eating your dust. It’s as simple as that.

I am Billie Scott and if you would like to receive my FREE tutorials on how to set up an online business and and make your first $500 online please go here. Billie Scott’s Make Money Online Tutorials.

Billie Scott